Art and Media initiative for the labour, of the labour and by the labour
We laborers are here to express ourselves: to cry, laugh, get angry, celebrate, get emotional, be silly, and yes, be vulnerable (though we already are). We are here to rise, to fight, to mingle, to protest, to protect—and I mean protecting you all—and so much more. Do you want to hear us?
©arpita | grey.canvas_
गिनती सिर्फ हमारे हाथों और पैरों की की जाती है,
हमारे सपनों और उम्मीदों की नहीं।
गिना जाता है सिर्फ काम शहर में,
हम मजदूरों को नहीं।
It is only our hands and legs that gets counted,
Not of our dreams and hopes.
It is only the work that gets counted in the city,
Not us, the workers.
Translated by Heman Oza